Monday, August 21, 2017

Weekly Coffee Date

summer salad, photography

Hi friends! This weekend we went to my parents house for a good ole fashioned summer cookout. There is something about being at a cookout on a summer weekend that feels so nostalgic and freeing. I think especially living in a climate where outdoor entertaining has a very defined season makes these get togethers feel even better. But, one thing I realized is that I have a much lower tolerance for the heat than I used to. Ten years ago, I’d be excited about the prospect of being outside on a sunny 85-degree day. But yesterday, I found myself volunteering to go help out on something in the kitchen just so I had an excuse to be in the air conditioning for a few minutes. I imagine I will be pining for the heat and even the humidity come winter, but for now, I am really looking forward to the fall.

It seems like everyone is catching eclipse fever! If you haven’t been able to scoop up some special glasses for Monday’s eclipse, here’s an article providing some good DIY viewing options.

There are a bunch of 90s TV shows that hold a special place in my heart and I’m sure until the day I die I will remember every word of the Fresh Prince theme song. But, I don’t really have the urge so many others do to revisit their favorite shows growing up. I prefer the memories. Here’s an interesting article about the new fad of “nostalgia TV.”

Here’s an article that discusses the diet of WWE wrestler Seth Rollins. It sounds like he has a really healthy relationship with food, which must be hard for an elite athlete because they have to pay such close attention to their diet. He says, “like, if I’m in New York and there’s something on the news saying you’ve got to go try this crazy ice cream cookie doughnut sandwich or something, I’m not shy about having that.” Now I can’t stop thinking about an ice cream cookie doughnut sandwich.

How to be mindful when grocery shopping.

August 27 is National Banana Lovers Day! To celebrate, Fyffes, one of the largest importers of bananas, has launched an exciting social media campaign aimed at helping families in need of hunger relief. Between now and August 27, if you post any banana related content, like pictures, videos, and recipes on any social media platform and use the hashtags #BananaLoversDay and #FightHungerWithFyffes, Fyffes will donate 20 pounds of bananas to communities in need of fresh produce. They hope to reach their goal of 5,000 pounds of bananas. This is a great program to help fight hunger and a great excuse to enjoy and share some of your favorite delicious banana recipes!

Weight Loss

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