Monday, September 25, 2017

The 4 H's That Can Help Lower Pain Levels - Pain News Network

This stimulates cell healing and provides vital nutrients to cells that are not functioning correctly. When our cells are not getting the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients, we lose energy, tissue becomes malnourished, and it delays or prevents healing.

Most patients using hyperbaric therapy will require a few rounds of treatment over several weeks to get results. The cost can be quite high, but if you can get your provider to test your vascular constriction with a Doppler Study or another measuring device, your insurance may pay for this treatment.

Holistic Living

Holistic living is more of a lifestyle approach than a treatment, because it is aimed at improving the mind, body and spirit. Once we bring harmony into our lives physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally, we create a balance that can make the tough times of living with chronic pain more bearable.

The good news is you can start consciously living in a holistic manner at any time. Taking one step at a time is the way to get on the path of self-improvement. Living holistic is about being conscious of all aspects of who you are and the choices you make.  

Holistic living also makes use of massage, acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine and other healing options. These are typically out of pocket expenses, so access to them can be limited. But with YouTube, Zubia and other online platforms, it’s easy to find videos – like the one below --to help learn how to live holistically on your own.

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