Monday, October 23, 2017

Blonde Hair Don't Care

I'm so glad last week is over, my calendar was packed full and I was dreading that week for the last month. We had to move up the Holiday photo shoot for OMB, so the purple hair had to go. She stripped the color out and toned it a bit - she didn't lift with blonde so my hair is still in really good shape.

I'm seriously loving this blonde, I'm sure my roots are going to pop out quickly so we will see how much work it is to maintain. I thought it might wash me out, but I'll just have to keep up that spray tan. I love being brave with my hair - it can really make you feel like a whole new woman. My pants are from OMB - they are crazy comfortable and perfect to lounge, then clean your house, run to HomeGoods, or go get a pedicure in. 

The shoot went great Friday night, we went out for a little girls dinner, these two were appalled I wasn't going to finish my mule so they did it for me. I honestly have the BEST friends, they are always so willing to help and we always just have a great time together.

Saturday I had my Crossfit competition - it was tough. I have never wanted to quit a workout so badly, the entire time I was working out I was planning ways I could just quit and tell them I couldn't finish. 

I love this picture because its EXACTLY how I felt in that moment, I love that everyone is ignoring me dying on the floor too. That's Crossfit. I never really knew what I was capable of {workout wise} until I did a competition, you just push yourself past that limit in your head. That's why I do them. 

This girl right here had NO CLUE that I could do any of the things I do now.

You get to a point in your journey that it can't be about your weight anymore or even fitting into smaller clothing. I had to keep myself going with new goals - for me it's about strength. I have so many new ways to measure progress - how much can I squat, how fast can I burpee, perfecting handstand pushups. None of this has anything to do with what I see in the mirror - but the bonus of it all is that I DO love what I see in the mirror. I see muscles that I worked hard to put on.

With that being said - the long road it's taken me to get here has taught me so many things, but the #1 key to success is food prep. The more you prepare the more likely you are to stay on track and it's SO much about the food. So much you guys. Spend that time on the weekend to make sure your week is easy and smooth. I make items I actually WANT to eat, I look forward to lunch every day. If you hate chicken and veggies then find something else. You don't have to eat fish and broccoli - unless you just really want to.

Here are my preps for the week.

Protein Pancakes {made a double batch} then I heat and top with Pumpkin Cream Cheese {they have other flavors, you could also use yogurts} I just fold in half and eat - super fast and perfect for a pre workout meal. 

Zucchini Lasagna. Reheats super yummy all week! I don't put the layer of cheese on top before baking - I just add Fat Free Mozzerella before I reheat each day. Need veggie chopper - link at bottom of post!

Dinner. I made a double batch of chili in my Instant Pot and also made chicken for an easy protein other nights.

HIGHLY suggest you get a Pro Vegetable Chopper because it's FASTER. EASIER. BETTER. FIXES YOUR LIFE. Plus it's $20 you can't beat that.

Weight Loss

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