Tuesday, October 18, 2016

My First Crossfit Competition

Oliver and I have been doing Crossfit since around May of this year, then I took off 2 months for surgery and I've been back in the gym about 6 weeks now.  We went to a few competitions while I was recovering to cheer on people from our gym and it really got me wanting to do one! 

A competition is put on usually by another gym at their box, the workouts {or WODS} as we call them are always different. I think there's usually 3 different WODS and they have different levels - scaled and RX. That meanS they have different weight requirements for the lifts and for things like jump ropes - singles for scaled and double under for RX. 

You compete for time, each participant has their own judge who ensures they do the reps correctly and also counts them. I LOVE not having to count for myself, hahahaha, it's like a vacation in my head! 

I was literally so nervous when I started I didn't know if I could lift the weight my hands wouldn't stop trembling! Everyone is standing and watching you workout, some are yelling, and some are cheering. After about 45 seconds I felt like I was dying - I ain't never pushed myself that hard at a workout, thankfully each workout was less than 8 minutes because my heart rate was int he 190's the entire time. 

Out of the 3 WODS I placed 1st on the deadlift workout which was really not my strongest when I was practicing. One of the girls from my gym told me DON'T YOU DARE drop that bar when you get tired. Then she got in my eye site and I was like shit, I can't put this bar down. hahahaha. It worked! I went back and watched myself on Periscope {and THANK YOU so much to all of you who logged on to cheer me on! Y'all are the best and I love you for the support!!} my second event was doing overhead stuff and that's where I struggled {burpees did not help} but overall I was so proud of myself!!

This picture pretty much sums up how I felt after each event, I gave it my all each time. It was such a rush and so much fun!! Honestly walking up I was terrified, all these fit people walking around and I felt out of my league. Then I remembered that EXACT same feeling I had walking up to my first half marathon, being brave and trying new things has always turned out well for me. 

I ended up placing 2nd in the women's scaled which I'm proud of! I also was delighted to find out Susan was competing, all the way from Fort Worth, and she's been a reader of my blog since that Miss Madison days!! I just love this community so much! This comp was put on by Big Rig Wylie and it was very well organized, they were extremely welcoming, and I will for sure do it again next year! A huge shoutout to my gym - Crossfit Lavon - I love that people take time out of their weekends to come and cheer for us!! That's why they get that 'cult' nickname....we stick together! 

Weight Loss

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