Friday, March 31, 2017


What's that saying about March weather? "In like a lion, out like a lamb"?

Ha! Usually, it's February weather that makes me wonder why on earth I choose to live in Michigan; but this year, February was gorgeous. Sunny, and even very warm on some days--73 degrees--and pleasant. I was totally in the mood for spring when I was sitting outside without a coat on mid-February ;)

Then March happened. The weather this month has been unbelievable! Yesterday and today, it's been raining all. day. long.

This is how hard it was raining all day!

Yesterday, Eli had an appointment to pick up his orthotics, so we spent the day together playing hooky from school.
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Weight Loss

Briana lost 47 pounds

Tranformation of the Day: Briana lost 47 pounds. This mother of two was motivated to take action and change her unhealthy eating habits after being diagnosed pre-diabetic. She did her research and cut down on sugar, flour and refined carbs. Check out her story. My name is Briana and I am a motivated mother of […]
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Weight Loss

Stop eating! You are full

A novel role as appetite suppressant for BH4, a well-known enzyme cofactor.

Researchers have identified a molecule sent by fat cells to the fly brain that senses when they have had enough food and inhibits feeding, according to a study publishing in the open access journal PLOS Biology by Walton Jones of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejeon, and colleagues.

Fat is the primary long-term energy storage molecule in animals, and the control of fat levels is critical for survival. In mammals, the hormone leptin induces eating in response to fat loss, but so far, no corresponding signal has been identified, either in mammals or any other animal, that inhibits eating in response to fat gain. Because fruit flies replicate many of the feeding-related regulatory mechanisms and genes known to operate in humans, they make a good model for the search for such an inhibitory signal.

To conduct their search, the authors focused on short non-coding RNAs or microRNAs, which are well-known inhibitors of gene expression. They first searched for microRNAs that, when overexpressed in fat tissue, affected feeding behavior, and second for the gene targets of those microRNAs. They identified a microRNA called miR-iab-4, which increased feeding by more than 27%, and a target gene called purple, which was expressed in fat bodies. Reducing purple expression enhanced feeding, suggesting its normal function was to inhibit it. Purple is known to be one of two fat-body enzymes that build a molecule called PTP, which is released by fat bodies and circulates in the fly brain. There, a third enzyme converts PTP into a well-known enzyme cofactor, called tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4). BH4 is required in the neurons that produce NPF, a neuropeptide that regulates feeding. The authors showed that loss of purple in the fat body, or loss of BH4 in neurons, led to increased release of NPF and increased feeding. Conversely, increasing BH4 in neurons reduced NPF release and decreased feeding. Finally, they showed that feeding flies a low-calorie diet reduced expression of the fat body enzymes that control BH4 production, and led to increased feeding.

The results in this study suggest that BH4 plays a key role in suppressing appetite in flies, and that PTP released from fat bodies delivers a signal to the brain indicating that energy stores are sufficient and that feeding can stop. While these results apply only to flies currently, the identification of this appetite-suppression mechanism will surely spur research into related pathways in humans.

"Our study indicates fat tissue sends a molecular signal to the fly brain to regulate feeding behavior," said Jones. "Further studies will be needed to determine if a similar system acts in mammals, and if so, whether it can be safely manipulated to help achieve weight loss, or gain, in people."

Article: A fat-derived metabolite regulates a peptidergic feeding circuit in Drosophila, Kim D-H, Shin M, Jung S-H, Kim Y-J, Jones WD, PLoS Biology, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2000532, published 28 March 2017.

Weight Loss

More Than Numbers on the Scale: Alexis lost 7.6 pounds

Alexis lost 7.6 pounds and her results show that it’s about more than numbers on a scale. She’s been focused on nutrition and working out since January. Her hard work paid off and her before and afters say it all. Check out how she did it. What was your motivation? What inspired you when you wanted […]

Weight Loss

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Laura lost 160 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Laura lost 160 pounds. This young lady was dealing with depression, diabetes, high blood pressue and high cholesterol. Smoking and drinking were her coping mechanisms. She decided to turn her life around with clean eating and fitness… and hasn’t looked back. Check out how she did it. I tried it all! […]

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Win: How Caitlin Leach Lost 100 Pounds

weight_loss_win_caitlin_leachI have been writing a weekly series over at Yahoo Beauty called Weight Loss Win, featuring incredible weight loss stories. ...

Weight Loss

April Challenge – Eat Clean for 21 Days

Eat Clean for 21 Days and Lose to Win with our April DietBet Weight Loss Pool April 10-30! #BWLWApril The start of the summer season, June 21, is about 12 weeks away. That is plenty of time to make major progress. That could mean not being out of breath when you play outside with your kids. That could […]

Weight Loss

Recipes and Resources for Week 1 – Clean Eating for 21 Days

Thank you so much for joining our April Clean Eating Challenge. Here are the resources for Week 1. How to Eat Clean 10 Tips for Eating Clean Crash Course on Clean Eating 11 Simple Ways to Start Eating Clean Today 5 Clean Eating Dos and Don’ts Clean Eating on a Budget Clean Foods List Benefits […]

Weight Loss

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Five of the best blogs for stress relief

Q&A Wednesday: I Have a Good Week with My Diet…Then BOOM!

Q: I had a good thing going with my diet, right? I was feeling good, doing my cardio workouts, and staying committed to it until..................

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Weight Loss

Maybe new weight goals?

On Monday, I was texting John, and we were talking about lack of motivation to run. I told him how I hadn't run in nearly five weeks since I decided I needed a break from training (I had planned to continue to run a couple of times a week, but so many factors have come into play where that goes--I'll explain more below--but basically, it just didn't happen.) John said that he was going to try to run after work on Monday, so I made him a deal. I said that if he went for a run on Monday evening, then I would run on Tuesday morning.

Anyway, I started my new medication (for depression) only a few days before my last run about five weeks ago. I remember having a terrible run--feeling tired, lethargic, and very out of breath. I hoped it was just a coincidence, but each time I've tried to run over the last five weeks, I feel the same way. I've also experienced a HUGE lack of motivation, which is the last thing I want. I don't know if this is from the medication or not, but it seems to have gotten much worse since starting the medication.

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Weight Loss

Rare genetic forms of obesity more numerous, diverse than previously thought

A new study led by researchers from McMaster University has shown that, while relatively rare in the general population, there are a large number of varied, genetic syndromes associated with obesity.

Previous reviews on obesity have reported 20 to 30 syndromes, but in the first systematic review on obesity syndromes, investigators from McMaster and the University of British Columbia have catalogued 79 syndromes with obesity that have been described in the literature. The research was published in Obesity Reviews and led by David Meyre, an associate professor of the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact with the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine.

"Rare genetic forms of obesity with many additional clinical features, such as intellectual disability, facial and organ-specific abnormalities, do exist," said Meyre, the senior author of the paper who holds the Canada Research Chair in Genetics of Obesity.

"These syndromes, although individually rare, are much more numerous and diverse than anticipated," added Yuvreet Kaur, the study's first author and a recent graduate of the McMaster Bachelor of Sciences Honours Biology Program.

Obesity is a serious health issue in North America, as rates have risen dramatically over the past three decades. In 2014, 20.2 per cent of Canadians aged 18 and older, roughly 5.3 million adults, reported height and weight that classified them as obese, according to Statistics Canada. Complications associated with obesity include an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, mental health issues, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, hypertension, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, and certain forms of cancer.

In their search of seven databases and analysis of 161 papers, Meyre and his colleagues found that 79 obesity syndromes have been previously reported. Of the 79 syndromes, 19 have been genetically solved, to the point where a lab test could confirm a doctor's suspicions. Another 11 have been partially clarified, and 27 have been mapped to a chromosomal region. For the remaining 22 syndromes, neither the gene(s) nor the chromosomal location(s) have yet been identified.

Meyre said national and international collaborations are needed to identify the genes responsible for these syndromes considering they are very rare, and that "this paper is a critical step to boost the clinical and genetic research on this topic."

He added: "A more clear understanding of the genetic causes of these syndromes may not only improve the lives of those afflicted with these mutations, but will also help us understand the genes and molecules that are important in obesity among members of the general population."

Article: A systematic review of genetic syndromes with obesity, Y. Kaur, R. J. de Souza, W. T. Gibson, D. Meyre, Obesity Reviews, doi: 10.1111/obr.12531, published online 27 March 2017.

Weight Loss

Riana lost 80 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Riana lost 80 pounds. Self love and self respect is what motivated her to start her journey. A friend suggested that she focus on eating the healthy foods she liked and that she try going low carb. One year later, the healthy habits she embraced have turned into a new lifestyle. Check […]

Weight Loss

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kanisha lost 25 pounds

Kanisha lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks. This mom of two followed an online weight loss program and got great results. Eating 5 small meals a day, exercising regularly and changing her mindset was the perfect combination. She is just getting started. Hi, my name is Kanisha and I’ve lost 25 pounds. I lost the weight through […]

Weight Loss

I'm {Super-Fun}

5 things. 

1. I freaking LOVE these shoes and I got such a great deal that every time someone asks about them I say 'and I only paid 50 bucks!'  :: I could only find the men's for sale online HERE, but size down and get you a pair! 

2. My Crossfit girls are the best and had the PERFECT shirt made for my birthday!! It's my favorite saying when we are working out :)
NOW to be clear - when I say 'beat' Oliver I mean percentage wise {they program girl lifts to be 70% of guy lifts so if I do 71% of whatever weight he lifted then I beat him, get it?} 
I am killing it with my overhead lifts, who knew I had such strong arms! Totally beat Oliver ;)

3. My knee. I've told you that I've accepted that I can't run FOR NOW and I'm embracing this opportunity to make some muscle gain while I literally can not do any steady state cardio. 

In the last 8 months or so I've had a hard time gaining any muscle, like a pound here and a pound there, but I'm looking for like 3+ pounds! I want to just fill out a few areas, but it's been a struggle. Probably because NOT DOING CARDIO  is so hard for someone who used it as a weight loss tool for years. Even when I cut back before I never let it go 100%

I'm not saying cardio is bad - it's good for you! It just doesn't align with what I'm trying to do to my body, but it's like an addiction that is hard to put aside 100%. Honestly if I could run I would be, hahaha, it's a sickness y'all. We do 'crossfit cardio' at the gym during the metcons, but those are usually about 10 minutes and consist of pull-ups, wall balls, burpees, and other forms of torture. 

The other part of gaining muscle is food, to find that magic place where you gain muscle but don't gain a ton of fat along with it. I'm starting with a slight increase of about 200 calories a day, then I'll check my weight and see if it's maintaining or whatever and adjust from there.  

It's good for me to change my goals, I'm just not the girl who causally goes to workout with no plan in mind - I need to have something I'm working towards or I get bored. 

4. If you STILL haven't bought an Instant Pot you have another reason to jump on this bandwagon.  This spaghetti squash peeled like an onion after 20 minutes! I didn't poke it, cut it, or anything!


Oliver is having SUCH a hard time figuring out double unders, finally I couldn't take it anymore so I ordered him a {super-fun} rope from Double Under Wonder. Ok, and one for me too cause I dare you to go look at all the cool customized ropes and not buy yourself one. 

I obviously had to include the Double Under Dust because #glitter 
He needs all the help he can get.

Weight Loss

5 Ways You Can Eat More and Still Lose Weight

No matter what diet plan you’ve tried to follow, almost all of them will include deprivation at some point. Cutting an excessive amount of calories, and even entire food groups out of your diet, is not only incredibly difficult to stick to but it doesn’t always work for long-term weight loss. (Note: Many vegans, low carb […]

Weight Loss

Getting through the Home Stretch

Getting through the Home Stretch in Weight Loss - photo by MaridavLosing weight is a beast of a battle that can be equal parts mental and physical struggle. Making big changes ...

Weight Loss

Rochelle lost 141 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Rochelle lost 141 pounds. After struggling with her weight for years and trying lots of different methods to lose weight, she decided to look into the benefits of bariatric surgery. This proud mom did her research, had surgery, and did the work of changing her lifestyle and habits to get great results. […]
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Weight Loss

Monday, March 27, 2017

It's been three years...

Well, that was a fun weekend!

I really didn't have many plans, but Jerry and I hosted a party on Saturday night, so we stayed very busy getting ready for that, and then recovering all day yesterday ;) 

On Friday, we spent the whole day cleaning the house--so fun, right? BUT, it felt sooo good going to bed on Friday knowing that my house was crazy clean. There is nothing more motivating to clean than expecting company--I really ought to plan a get-together once a month, if only so that my house is clean!
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Weight Loss

Our White House Update

I had a fantastic birthday week, nothing fancy, but I did get to eat some of my favorite Bundt Cake! {ok, 2! they are the small ones} I got a pedicure, Oliver got off work early and we went to the gym for the last workout for the Open. I have to say I'm glad it's over, it was like doing a competition every week and it's hard on your body. 

It was also my Dad's birthday week, luckily my Mom knows we need to celebrate with cake twice ;) 

We stopped by the new house for the weekly inspection and I almost died when I saw they installed my floors!!! I spent the bulk of our budget on the flooring, the builders gives us a 20K 'allowance' to use on upgrades and I used it completely on the tile. Having worked at a tile company it was REAL hard to spend that knowing I could get it so much cheaper, but I had to just bite the bullet because it's such a hassle to rip out something else and retile. So whatever, YOLO! 

I lost sleep over what color grout to use, everyone said white would be dirty fast, but I was worried a darker one would look dirty all the time, but it looks perfect! 

The tile is all over the bottom floor minus the bedrooms, this is Oliver's new office. He's pretty excited to have a view now and move out of the cramped bedroom he's in at our house. 

I CAN NOT WAIT for this cubby area, our house now doesn't have one and we use hooks in our very small laundry room and bags are over flowing, as are shoes, and coolers, etc. 

Dining room - haven't really decided on what to do in here since I don't really want a formal dining room. I thought maybe a family office space with a desk and computer for the kids to do homework etc. 

They also added my backsplash last week!! Totally forgot what I even picked, love it even more seeing it with my cabinets and countertops. It's like my Pinterest board came to life and I can't even believe that we are going to live here, I honestly feel so lucky and it seems surreal, I could cry tears of joy every time I walk in there. 

I really want to paint the kitchen a light blue/teal color - lots of grey happening so we need a splash of color. I also want to change the light fixtures, the ones they hung are too small. OMG and lets not forget I finally will have a walk in pantry!!! No more crap all over the counters!

We went with a darker tile in the masterbath and I was worried about how it would turn out, but I like it with the white cabinets. I'll update with the upstairs next week, they had too many people working up there for us to walk around.

We are taking the kids to Great Wolf Lodge for a night next weekend to celebrate both of their birthdays! I'd love tips if you've been, it will be our first visit!

**I turned off blog comments, I don't like to police the negativity on here. I do love to hear from y'all on Facebook though! 

Weight Loss

Your Water Bottle is Gross—Here’s How to Clean It

When's the last time you cleaned your reusable water bottle? No, I mean, REALLY deep cleaned it?

The post Your Water Bottle is Gross—Here’s How to Clean It appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Weight Loss

Individual Scalloped Potatoes

Individual Scalloped Potatoes Recipe - Make creamy, cheesy scalloped potatoes in individual ramekins! This is a lightened up side dish with built-in portion control.When Daniel and I moved out of our apartment recently and I was cleaning out the cabinets I found a ...

Weight Loss

Melanie lost 228 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Melanie lost 228 pounds. This RN knew that she wanted to change. In 2015, she started her journey weighing over 400 pounds. She worked with a wellness coach and fell in love with meal prepping and exercise. Check out her story. My name is Melanie and I’m 33 years old. I’m orginally […]

Weight Loss

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Weekly Coffee Date

Weekly coffee date - photo by jodie johnsonHi friends! I hope everyone had a nice week. It is finally starting to resemble spring in Massachusetts as the ...

Weight Loss

Shakima lost over 140 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Shakima lost over 140 pounds. This single mom of five was battling depression and bad eating habits. Her wakeup call came at the hospital where she was caring for her son, who was having his 5th brain surgery. She decided that she had to become the healthy mom that her children deserved and […]

Weight Loss

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Consistency Over Perfection

Consistency not perfection - photo by MaridavWe all know that “day one” feeling—the motivation and energy we have the day after swearing off the fast food ...

Weight Loss

Lung cancer in pictures: What does it look like?

In this article, learn about the different types of lung cancer, what tests are available, what the symptoms are, and what treatments are available.

Smoking Cessation Feeds

What You Should Know About Fueling Up Before, During and After a Race

Running requires energy, and when you challenge yourself to a middle-distance race such as a 5k, your diet counts. Your body needs nutrients and fuel but not the burden of a heavy digestive load before you run. This means that when you run, it matters what you eat and when. Prior to Race Day Your […]

Weight Loss

Insulin resistance may lead to faster cognitive decline

A new Tel Aviv University study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease finds that insulin resistance, caused in part by obesity and physical inactivity, is also linked to a more rapid...

Weight Loss

A Thursday weigh-in and a new job

This month, I have developed a whole new respect for working mothers. Jerry's been working day shift, so he's gone when the kids and I wake up in the morning and he doesn't get home until evening. On a normal day, I pick up the kids from school, come home and help them get their homework done, cook dinner, and we eat at around 4:00.

With all the appointments we've had lately, we just haven't had any "normal" days lately. Eli has art club after school once a week, and he has physical therapy twice a week immediately after school. Noah had baseball tryouts after school this week for three days. And then with Noah's monster splinter, and Eli's orthopedic appointments, we've had things going on every single day.
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Weight Loss

Nelly lost 40 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Nelly lost 40 pounds. She connected with a holistic health practitioner who taught her how to detox and put her on a custom health transformation program. This Psychotherapist, Holistic Life Coach and Sexuality Educator has transformed mentally, emotionally and physically. Check out her journey. After struggling with being on an emotional roller […]

Weight Loss

The global tobacco control treaty has reduced smoking rates in its first decade, but more work is needed

Despite worldwide progress since the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) came into effect in 2005, not all key demand-reduction measures have been fully implemented at the same...

Smoking Cessation Feeds