Tuesday, February 28, 2017

We Are Who We Are

We Are Who We Are - photo by SonyaKamozMost of us who are looking to lose weight or live healthier lives are doing so because we are unhappy ...

Weight Loss

Kae lost 43 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Kae lost 43 pounds. She wanted to change how she felt, how she looked, and avoid a family history of high blood pressure and heart disease. Lifelong dreams of being competitive in the of the world of Bodybuilding also inspired her. She wants to encourage and motivate women over 40 with her story. I would like […]
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Weight Loss

Risk factors for heart failure subtypes studied in new detail

BMI and physical activity are known risk factors for heart failure. However, their exact relationships with subtypes of the disease are not known.

Weight Loss

Can staying active help to prevent chronic pain? Physical activity affects pain modulation in older adults

Older adults with higher levels of physical activity have pain modulation patterns that might help lower their risk of developing chronic pain, reports a study in PAIN®, the official...

Weight Loss

Involuntary urinary incontinence can discourage sufferers from exercise

According to a study published in the distinguished journal PLOS ONE, urinary incontinence symptoms in middle-aged woman are linked to lower levels of exercise.

Weight Loss

Living with COPD: Tips, activities, and treatments

Learn about keeping up with life with COPD, diet changes that may be beneficial, physical activity for people with COPD, and breathing exercises.

Weight Loss

Monday, February 27, 2017

Don’t Stress Over the Post-Baby ‘Snap Back’

Take deep breaths, relax, and accept that the added pressure and shame for not having snapped back will not motivate you. It might actually do harm.

The post Don’t Stress Over the Post-Baby ‘Snap Back’ appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Weight Loss

Never too late: Reaping the benefits of exercise in early postmenopause

Women recently postmenopause have similar or improved benefits from physical activity, in terms of muscle and blood vessel function, as those premenopause.

Weight Loss

Meatless in March Challenge

This month we are doing a Plant-Based, Meatless Eating Challenge. We are going to focus on eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. That’s right, living foods. These foods are full of fiber, nutrients, anti-oxidants, healthy carbs and more. Plant foods can be great for weight loss, especially low calorie, high fiber foods, like greens, beans and celery. […]

Weight Loss

Questioning my identity as a runner

Lately, Michigan weather has been CRAZY. We had a couple of days last week that were up to 73 degrees and sunny! I was able to drive with my windows down and wear short sleeves... in February. And then it got down to 30 degrees, overcast, and windy. And yesterday, we had some freezing rain in the morning.

A week of Michigan weather (not sure who to credit for this cartoon!
If you know, please let me know so I can give credit)

So, my last post was my Wednesday Weigh-in. I feel like I've been writing so much about my depression lately that I've just been avoiding writing any more because I'm tired of talking about it. After several hours of phones calls to the doctor's office and the insurance company, and jumping through many hoops, I was able to get my insurance to approve my new antidepressant. I am going to stay on the waiting list to see a psychiatrist, though, just in case this new med doesn't work out.

I'll keep this brief, and then hopefully as this new med kicks in, I will be feeling better and depression won't be such a huge part of my life at the moment--and I'll write about happier things! ;)
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Weight Loss

Microgreens: Health benefits and growing tips

What are microgreens, what is their nutritional content, and what are their possible health benefits? How can they be incorporated into a diet?

Weight Loss

Modupe lost 44 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Modupe lost 44 pounds. She didn’t recognize herself in the mirror, her body ached and her clothes no longer fit. A rough Christmas of hearing negative comments about her weight was the last straw. She started her journey a little over a year ago and hasn’t looked back. Doing research, eating […]
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Weight Loss

The role of weight in postmenopausal women's longevity

In a large multiethnic study, being underweight was linked with an increased risk of early death among postmenopausal women.

Weight Loss

Chronic stress may raise obesity risk

By assessing levels of the 'stress hormone' cortisol in hair samples, researchers have linked chronic stress with increased risk of obesity.

Weight Loss

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Too Fat

I guess it's time for an update. And maybe a little self examination, because while I feel like I have done pretty well getting my food issues under control, all is not well in LynLand.

I lost 7 pounds in January and nothing so far in February. Today I weigh 253, same as I did on February 1. Part of me is starting to panic a little about this; I looked at the calendar this morning and thought, "okay, I have THREE days left until March 1. Surely I can knuckle down and cut carbs more and do some more exercise and get at least a couple of pounds off by then." Somehow, part of me still feels ashamed that I am still so fat. That I did not lose any weight this month. Even though I have found peace about food, my weight still bothers me. I have spent the last year (or so) lowering my stress level around all the weight stuff: food, tracking, calories, junk food, body image, the number on the scale. But what remains is the realty that I AM TOO FAT.

I am too fat for most of my clothing.
I am too fat for my circulatory system. My blood pressure is higher than it was 25 pounds ago.
I am too fat for my knees. They hurt when I walk.
I am too fat for pictures. Once again I find myself avoiding being in photos because I think I look awful, and unhealthy.
I am too fat for my comfort. It is hard to get up and down, I have acid reflux again at night, and my body is just too hard to haul around all the time.
I am too fat, and that makes me sad.

So much of the time I look around and feel thankful for all I have, my kids, my life. I don't want to be a negative Nelly or a complainer. But I also don't look at my body and think it is fine just the way it is. Maybe it is, on a "don't judge", self acceptance, love yourself kind of level. I mean there's no point in loathing myself or being down on how I look. My body has done a lot of great things for me. I love it. But it's too big to be truly healthy! And I haven't been acting like I love it... not really. Not all these years.

When I eat healthy foods it does feel like self care. I don't think I eat that much. But obviously it's too much, right? Or I wouldn't be this fat. Even if you want to put some blame on age, or hormones, or thyroid disease, or slow metabolism... I would NOT weigh 250+ pounds if I was really taking *good enough* care of my body.

Maybe I have been focused too much on my emotional well being (which yeah, it is important) and not on my body. I've said I was eating 90% healthy and maybe 10% carbier, sugary or junky stuff. But when I stopped and thought about that, there's an error in my thinking. It's not that 90% of the FOOD I eat is healthy and 10% is not. It's that 90% of the TIME I eat healthy. Like... there are about 90 meals in a month, right? So for about 9 or 10 of those meals I eat carby stuff. Maybe some pancakes with syrup, sausages and orange juice. Or a bacon cheeseburger with fries dipped in Ranch. Not overboard for a normal person... but HIGH in carbs, fat, and sugar. Same for snacks. Say there are 60 snacks in a month. Then 6 or 7 of those would be carbier. Like maybe popcorn at the movies, or a few cookies and regular hot cocoa, or a bowl of chips and dip. The calories, carbs, sugar and fat in those meals and snacks is SO MUCH higher than the nutrition in a regular meal or snack! So much higher. Like a 50 calorie handful of baby carrots versus a 200 calorie bowl of corn chips and guac. But eating those foods in "normal" portions is what helps me NEVER to feel restricted... because although 9 out of 10 times on "spaghetti night" I go with spaghetti squash, every once in awhile, if I really want it, I have the actual pasta... AND a piece or two of garlic bread. And it is so much easier to eat and be satisfied with small amounts of something like the spaghetti squash, but when I have pasta I want to eat a lot more. More calories, carbs, and fat.

The whole thing sucks because I felt like I have finally found peace with food by eating this way, and I DO NOT want to wreck it. But I am too fat! I am too fat. :(

Weight Loss

Shawanna lost 80 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Shawanna lost 80 pounds. As a teen, she was molested and would hide behind food in an effort to appear more unattractive, hoping the abuse would stop. Weight gain, pregnancies, being a single parent, and the ups and downs of weight loss didn’t stop her. She realized that her journey and her struggles were […]
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Weight Loss

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Low Carb Enchilada Casserole (with Low Carb, Grain Free "Tortillas"!)

Something I really enjoy is a good dinner of enchiladas. But I've been avoiding them while eating lower carb, because the corn tortillas are pretty high in carbs (about 11 grams each). Then the other day I was deciding what to do with my fresh, whole butternut squash and as I started to cut it up I thought... hey, the neck of this squash would look a lot like corn tortillas if I sliced it into thin rounds! And so I did! I peeled the neck, cut 1/4" slices, and tossed them with a tablespoon or so of avocado oil, salt, and pepper. I laid them on a cookie sheet lined with nonstick foil, ready to roast!

low carb tortillas

After 12 minutes at 450 degrees, I flipped the slices over. Then I continued to roast them for 12-13 more minutes, until they had just started to brown.

When they were cooled, I used them in place of corn tortillas in this recipe: Best Enchilada Lasagna.

Here is the basic recipe:

2 cups of shredded cooked chicken
2 cups of shredded colby jack cheese (reduced fat, if you prefer)
2 - 2 1/2 cups of enchilada sauce (check the carbs, or make your own using the recipe in the link above)
about 16 roasted butternut squash "tortillas"

Layer in a casserole dish as follows:
layer of "tortillas"
1/3 of the chicken
handful of cheese

repeat twice, end with "tortillas," sauce, and cheese. I also added some diced green chiles.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Let rest about 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

low carb enchilada bake

1 ounce of corn tortilla has 62 calories and 13 g carbs.
1 ounce of butternut squash has 13 calories and 3 g carbs, saving you 49 calories and 10 g carbs per ounce. Plus with the squash, you get all the nutrition of this delicious veggie, including 60% of your RDA of Vitamin A! Plus it just tastes better.

I will definitely be trying this again, using seasoned lean ground beef in place of the chicken. Hope you like it too!

Weight Loss

Alanna lost 24 pounds

Alanna lost 24 pounds. She will turn 50 years old next week. This busy wife/mom/grandmom felt like she let her weight spiral out of control, and was at risk of not being there for the special times ahead in her granddaughters lives. Since November, she’s been working to change her life and release the weight. Check out […]

Weight Loss

Virelena lost 53 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Virelena lost 53 pounds. She saw diabetes, high blood pressue, kidney issues and heart problems lead to a painful death for her mother. As she reflected on her own blood sugar issues, she decided that it was time for change. Check out her story. My motivation for losing weight was seeing […]
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Weight Loss

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Science of Motivation: How to Develop It, Keep it, and Achieve With It

I know why you think you aren't motivated to workout, and how to change it to achieve your goals.

The post The Science of Motivation: How to Develop It, Keep it, and Achieve With It appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Weight Loss

Maquwetta lost 56 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Maquwetta lost 56 pounds. After suffering with 4 instances blood clots in her lungs, her doctor told her that losing weight could improve her health. This mom decided to embrace plant-based nutrition, yoga and walking to transform her life. Check out her story. My journey started because I suffered from blood […]
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Weight Loss

Mediterranean diet may decrease pain associated with obesity

Those who eat more fish, plant proteins less likely to suffer, study finds.Eating a Mediterranean diet could decrease the chances an overweight person will experience regular pain, new research...

Weight Loss

Brainy teens may be less likely to smoke, but more likely to drink and use cannabis

Brainy teens may be less likely to smoke, but more likely to drink alcohol and use cannabis, than their less academically gifted peers, suggests research published in the online journal BMJ Open.

Smoking Cessation Feeds

Thursday, February 23, 2017

April lost 20 pounds

April lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks. This mom of 2 wanted to be healthy and love what she saw in the mirror. With the help of a great coach and a great support system, she was able to get results. “My advice to anyone who wants to lose weight is to have a prayer, purpose […]
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Weight Loss

Dayjelle lost 94 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Dayjelle lost 94 pounds. She didn’t want to feel bad about herself anymore. She knew that she had the power to change her lifestyle and her health, so she took control and starting making new choices. Over the course of 4 years, she has worked hard to figure out what works […]

Weight Loss

Obesity reprogrammes muscle stem cells

Obesity is associated with reduced muscle mass and impaired metabolism. Epigenetic changes that affect the formation of new muscle cells may be a contributing factor, according to new research from...

Weight Loss

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Veronica lost 25 pounds

Veronica lost 25 pounds with a juice fast after watching the documentary, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. Even though she lost weight in the past, after college her lifestyle and a stressful job let to weight gain. She is detoxing her body and her mind. Check out what she shared with us. This is my second […]

Weight Loss

Q&A Wednesday: I Lost Weight, But Now My Clothes Don’t Fit!

Q: I can't wear my after baby clothes because they are too big and I kept all of my pre-pregnancy clothes hoping to fit into them one day soon. I am stuck in the "in between phase" and now pretty much NONE of my clothes fit me.

The post Q&A Wednesday: I Lost Weight, But Now My Clothes Don’t Fit! appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Weight Loss

Exercise can significantly improve brain function after stroke

Training that lasts as little as 12 weeks can be an effective treatment to limit cognitive decline following a stroke. Exercise can improve brain function in chronic stroke patients.

Weight Loss

Light Caprese Spaghetti with Creamy Pesto Sauce

Light Caprese Spaghetti with Creamy Pesto SauceIf you love pesto, you will adore this. It’s whole wheat spaghetti with grape tomatoes and fresh mozzarella tossed in ...

Weight Loss

Wednesday Weigh-in: Starting Anew

This week has felt so messed up. My kids didn't have school on Monday for Presidents' Day, so that made yesterday feel like Monday. I was so sure it was Monday all day long! But today feels like it should be Friday ;)

Eli had an appointment at Children's Hospital in Detroit yesterday, so he got to play hooky from school. I was concerned about his legs, because he has joint pain, so I took him to a pediatric orthopedist. The doctor said he has tight hamstrings and cords, and pronated feet, so he's going to do physical therapy and get orthotics. Thankfully, it wasn't anything serious. 
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Weight Loss

Anelisa lost 54 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Anelisa lost 54 pounds. As a medical student, she wondered how she would feel comfortable advising patients about weight loss when she was overweight. She got the guidance she needed from popular weight loss programs. Meal planning and running really made the difference. Check out her journey. What was your motivation? What motivated me […]
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Weight Loss

Is shrimp high in cholesterol? Nutritional and heart health information

Are shrimp safe for people to eat who have high cholesterol? Learn about things to consider when eating shrimp and how to prepare them in a healthful way.

Weight Loss

Exercise is best for reducing breast cancer recurrence

Patients with breast cancer can incorporate a variety of lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence, a new review suggests.

Weight Loss

After weight loss, a maintenance program could be the key to keeping off pounds long term

A weight loss program that incorporates a maintenance intervention could help participants be more successful at keeping off pounds long term.

Weight Loss

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Children inherit around 40 percent of parents' BMI

Around 40 percent of a child's weight is inherited from their parents, with 20 percent due to the mother and 20 percent due to the father, study finds.

Weight Loss

Quesha lost 156 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Quesha lost 156 pounds. She’s struggled with her weight since she was 11 years old and her turning point came when she started to have trouble breathing at 289 lbs. Check out how she released the weight by working out at home and changing her eating habits. I’m from a small […]

Weight Loss

Quality of life with those with advanced cancer improved through walking

Walking for just 30 minutes three times per week could improve the quality of life for those with advanced cancer, a new study published in the BMJ Open journal has found.

Weight Loss

More steps mean less hospital for older Aussies

Older Australians can reduce their time spent in hospital by walking an extra 4300 steps per day, according to research published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

Weight Loss

Monday, February 20, 2017

On Serena Williams and Her ‘Porn Shoot’ Sports Illustrated Feature

Writer claims that "By baring all, Serena reinforces sexist view that what women look like is more important than their achievements." I couldn't disagree more.

The post On Serena Williams and Her ‘Porn Shoot’ Sports Illustrated Feature appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Weight Loss

Oliver and I.

I wouldn't say Oliver and I were having marital problems, but we've had a good and bad patches. Sometimes we just bicker more, sometimes we just didn't seem to connect. 16 years is a long time to get along with the same person LOL When we started Crossfit last May I never imagined to would change our marriage the way it has, not that we don't still bicker - cause we do. We just are able to connect and bond with each other in a different way. We have a common interest to talk about that doesn't involve daily life and the kids. 

Now we tend to Crossfit differently, I'm much more competitive than he is, this is probably a good thing. I've done a few competition and he really had no desire to do one, but agreed to the Valentines Day on as a couple. We practiced a few times, he coached me more than I liked, talked during the workout more than I liked, and generally over analyzed everything to death. I was like - this may be our last couple competition!

I mean for the sheer fact we had to workout this close to each other, usually we set up on opposite sides of the gym. The tire flipping the first WOD was tough for us, I felt the exact moment he was ready to take a break, seriously I sensed the change even though he didn't say anything. He pushed through though-  I was so proud of him. We did pretty good for his first comp, but more than that we had fun. 

It was about an hour from our house so we drove down Friday afternoon, did 2 workouts, then stayed a hotel nearby. After a good strong margarita because of 6pm pre workout and I forgot to bring melatonin. 

We took the big kid with us, she was so damn cute, doing each workout after we did. I'm so glad we are able to include her in this as a family. Plus it's good for her to get a little one on one time with us every once in a while.  We finished Saturday and dropped her off at a friends for a slumber party. 

Sunday was the first game of the Spring soccer season for me, I haven't even touched a ball since last season to give my knee a break. I missed it so much, but dang I was sore today. Oliver really wants to build his muscles so he wants to do 2 WODs a day, I ended up a the gym yesterday afternoon for some upper body. Today I hurt everywhere, even my neck is sore from something hahaha. It's the perfect time to take a break, I'm leaving for Vegas for 2 days tomorrow. No gym, just good food, good shopping, and good friends! 

Weight Loss

Motivational Monday #138

Happy Motivational Monday!

It's been a long time since I've done a Motivational Monday post, so I'm excited to bring it back today. For a while, I wasn't getting many submissions anymore, even though I was getting a ton of feedback from people saying they loved Motivational Mondays. So, I made the decision to stop doing it (I didn't enjoy scrambling to put something together each week). So, we'll see how this goes...

I was excited to kick off today's post with three very motivating stories! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did :)

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Weight Loss

Weekly Coffee Date

Weekly Coffee Date - photo by aleksI hope you had a great weekend, friends! Daniel and I are in the midst of a big move to Massachusetts ...

Weight Loss

Cholesterol test: Uses, what to expect, results

What are the risks of cholesterol and who should have a test? Learn about what to expect with the test, what the results mean, and treatment options.

Weight Loss

Hope lost 134 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Hope lost 134 pounds. At 26 years old, she was suffering with chronic back pain, shortness of breath and pre-diabetes. She knew that she truly wanted to be healthy and happy as she moved on to major life milestones, like getting married or having children. Check out how she took action to […]

Weight Loss

Nostalgia could help smokers quit, study finds

Researchers suggest that evoking treasured memories through nostalgic public service announcements could be an effective quit-smoking strategy.

Smoking Cessation Feeds

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Jeanita lost 84 pounds

Jeanita lost 84 pounds. This busy mom of 4 no longer wanted to be the “fat mom”. She wanted to be comfortable in her skin and climb stairs without losing her breath. After her doctor put her high blood pressure medication, she knew that she had to make some changes. Check out her story. What […]

Weight Loss

Shaneika lost 70 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Shaneika lost 70 pounds. This petite young lady’s biggest motivation was her father’s stroke and realizing that she was at risk for heart disease. She’s gone from being depressed and unhappy about her weight to motivated, meal prepping and working out regularly. Check out her story. I’ve lost about 70 pounds year […]
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Weight Loss

Saturday, February 18, 2017


As of this morning, I have not lost ANY weight in February.

My blood pressure has been higher and my doctor increased the dose of my blood pressure medication.

Just eating what I want, in smaller portions, and choosing lower carb foods IS a good way for me to eat, but it keeps me over 250 pounds.

I have been fairly sedentary due to illness, weather, and just plain not being motivated to exercise.

And so the hamster wheel continues. The only thing improved, and it IS a big one, is that I am not experiencing any eating disorders anymore: no binges, no food obsessions, no compulsive eating. There's peace, but is peace enough?

I am quickly approaching that 10 year anniversary of blogging. In less than 6 months I will hit that milestone. I said if I was not at goal or making serious progress towards a healthy weight, I'd do weight loss surgery... and/or quit blogging.

I don't know what I am doing right now. I won't whine on about family medical issues and things that make it "hard," because all those reasons are not going to help me be the healthy, non-obese mom I need to be.

This week may turn back to restriction. I just have to do it without triggering ED. I also have to exercise whether I like it or not, because my age and health are big factors in... in everything. Everything.

Weight Loss

Glenda lost 99 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Glenda lost 99 pounds. This wife and mom of three was depressed about her weight gain. Feeling low after a wardrobe malfunction at work, she made a commitment to showing up for herself everyday and being consistent. She lost the weight and has kept it off for 2 years. She shared with […]

Weight Loss

Friday, February 17, 2017

L’Keva lost 56 pounds

Transfomation of the Day: L’Keva lost 56 pounds. This proud mom of three tried to lose weight over the years, but nothing led to lasting results. Some of her friends had success with a local weight loss and exercise program, so she decided to give it a try. Focusing clean eating and exercise, she got […]
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Weight Loss

The Excuse Brain

Defeat the Excuse Brain - photo by mcmiTo make improvements in your life it is important to first recognize your weaknesses. Certain character traits just seem to ...

Weight Loss

Weight gain throughout life may raise risk of esophageal, stomach cancers

New research finds that gaining weight from the age of 20 may increase the risk of developing esophageal and stomach cancers later in life.

Weight Loss

Unsaturated fatty acid may reverse aging effect of obesity

Obesity, or a high fat diet, can lead to changes in the immune system similar to those observed with aging. That's what research published in Experimental Physiology suggests.

Weight Loss

Thursday, February 16, 2017

How to design and hand paint a wooden sign (craft tutorial)

I promise to try to get started next week with posting more regularly--the themed posts I mentioned in my last blog post. Now that I've been feeling better, I've been trying to catch up on things that I had lost focus of for a while. It's been nice getting back into the groove, and feeling excited about things again, but I've been busy! I've put the blog on the back burner, but I hope to put more focus on it soon.

I recently made a gift for John and Ric (whose house I stayed at in San Diego) as a thank you for hosting me.
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Weight Loss

Yolanda lost 163 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Yolanda lost 163 pounds. At 450 pounds, she was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. She knew the impact that those illnesses could have after losing her mother who battled with kidney failure. Check out her transformation story. She shared with us the ups and downs of her journey and how she […]

Weight Loss

High levels of vitamin D may improve muscle strength

Using a cutting-edge technique, researchers from the United Kingdom investigate the effect of active and inactive vitamin D levels on muscle strength.

Weight Loss

Weight-loss surgery can get the blood flowing

Research reveals patients regain urinary and erectile function within a month.

Weight Loss

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Q&A Wednesday: Exercise and Weight Loss Post C-Section

Q: I just had a baby by emergency C- Section. I was told by the doctors no lifting and I can only do limited cardio. What u would suggest I do?

The post Q&A Wednesday: Exercise and Weight Loss Post C-Section appeared first on A Black Girl's Guide To Weight Loss.

Weight Loss

Smoking cessation counseling successful when paired with lung cancer screening

In the first successful randomized trial of its kind, researchers have provided preliminary evidence that telephone-based smoking cessation counseling given to smokers shortly after undergoing lung...

Smoking Cessation Feeds

Akosua lost 105 pounds

Tranformation of the Day: Akosua lost 105 pounds. Concerns about her failing health led her to have weight loss surgery. She also ate low carb, high protein meals and worked out regularly to get results. Check out what she shared with us. What was your motivation? My motivation was my failing health. I was pre-diabetic and my blood […]

Weight Loss

Abdominal fat may cause type 2 diabetes, heart disease

A new study finds that having a genetic predisposition to a higher waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI is linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Weight Loss

Worm gene could be key to developing obesity treatment

Monash University and Danish researchers have discovered a gene in worms that could help break the cycle of overeating and under-exercising that can lead to obesity.

Weight Loss

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

S. LaShae lost 22 pounds

S. LaShae lost 22 pounds. Unhealthy eating habits, drinking and depression caused her significant weight gain. She changed her lifestyle by making changes to the way she ate and embracing regular exercise. Check out what she shared with us about her journey. I started my lifestyle change on September 1st, 2016 at 180 pounds. I’ve lost a total […]
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Weight Loss

Valene lost over 70 pounds

Transformation of the Day: Valene lost over 70 pounds. This mom from St. Lucia experienced significant weight gain while pregnant with her daughter and tried for years to lose the weight, but nothing worked. In 2014, she put her food down and changed her lifestyle to get results. Check out her story. My name is […]
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Weight Loss

Nicotine changes how nicotinic receptors are grouped on brain cells

Nicotine the primary compound found within tobacco smoke is known to change the grouping of some subtypes of nicotinic receptors, but the mechanisms for nicotine addiction remain unclear.

Smoking Cessation Feeds

Monday, February 13, 2017

Nicole lost 63 pounds

Nicole lost 63 pounds. This proud grandmother got a wakeup call while trying to ride a water slide with her granddaughter. She commited to change her life and opted for weight loss surgery. Check out what she shared with us. Highest weight: 238 pounds Starting weight: 221 pounds Current weight: 175 pounds Height: 5’2″ Gastric Sleeve […]
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Weight Loss

Things you NEED to eat!

9-11 y'all.  I hit the recipe jackpot this week and you NEED to try them both! mmmmmkay?

Greek Chicken Bowls

Sunday morning I opened up Pinterest to start my food/grocery list and came across these Greek Chicken Bowls. Y'all. Super easy to make, full of flavor, and different then the regular old sweet potato, chicken, veggies bowl I've been downing for the last month. I put mine on Jasmine rice {lower fat and higher carb, plus the taste is so much better than brown rice in my opinion}. No heating, just pulled out of the fridge, mixed up, and ate. 

I've had this Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Cookie from Macro Experiment on my phone forever, I finally remembered to order some HERSHEY'S Sugar Free Chocolate Chips.

It was amazing, soft, gooey, and didn't have an 'protein' taste to it, but it does have 15g inside! Plus is was a huge serving!

This made me so happy while I wrap up watching the last episodes of Project Mindy.

They drywalled the house last week, it's starting to feel more real, I walked in and could visualize myself there! Another friend of mine added these coffered ceilings in her living room, they are so beautiful, even Oliver agreed.  I'm so glad we picked grey walls too!

My Mom picked up some 'easy' Valentines for Madison and brought them over to work on with her. Sigh. My idea of easy doesn't involve glue guns and have to cut a bunch of crap out. I'm like, just write names on them.

Pretty sure Madison agreed with me hahahahahaha. 

Weight Loss