Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Off The Beaten Path

It was our first hot weekend, we of course spent it on a patio after Madison's soccer game. Melanie flew in from PA {where there were having a snow storm!} we were supposed to run the Rock N Roll Half Marathon, but we both ended up not being able to run so we ate and drank.  I've paid for way too many races that I ended up not running so I'm not signing up for another until I can run 10 miles without pain. 

I went back to the doctor to find out the results of my MRI last week, he walked into the room with a very grave look on his face and I almost started crying without him even saying a word. I was worried something was seriously wrong and I'd have to have more surgery.  Thankfully it was exactly what I thought - a Baker's cyst - actually 2 of them of pretty large size behind my knee. He went ahead and drained them, but if they come back I'll have to have surgery to find where the fluid is leaking from. I'm finally able to walk without limping for the first time in a very long time, I'm kinda pissed that the PA didn't offer to drain it months ago when I had a sonogram on it. Now I know to ask for it! 

Sunday I felt well enough to go in and attempt 17.4. For non cross fitters - this is a 5 week deal where they put up a new workout each Thursday, no one knows the workout before hand so you have to prepare for anything pretty much. It's like the Crossfit Olympics - first the open, then the top competitors go to regionals, then to the Crossfit Games that you've probably seen on TV.  This is my first year doing it and I have to say it's kinda fun, competing with your peers, seeing how everyone else does, and not knowing what the workout will be. 

Anywho - this week the workout was: 55 Deadlifts {155 pounds} + 55 Wall balls {14 pounds} + 55 calorie row + 55 Handstand pushups. 13 minutes to complete it. I did this workout back in January and only finished up to the rowing before time ran out. This time I got in 7 handstand pushups, I happy with that improvement!

The whole family came to watch and row, I'm not a good rower, pretty sure both kids could beat me. 

We took our weekend stroll over to the new house and I was happy to see the front is almost done! When you go pick out brick and stone it's overwhelming, so many options and it's hard to imagine what it will look like when it's all together. 

They also painted the walls, trims, and cabinets! Grey and white everywhere, for sure repainting the kitchen with a light blue or turquoise once we close.  Now that our countertops are in we should be getting our 60 day letter, eek. Told Oliver to turn off My 600 Pound Life and start cleaning out the office and garage. My realtor will have someone stage the house, so I'll have to take down all my decor. 

Sunday we rounded out our weekend with brunch at The Rustic. I've heard so much about this place in Dallas and I have to say I was disappointed - the food was ok, but serving sizes were crazy small and it was supposed to be 'family sharing' style. It wasn't even enough for 1 person, poor Madison asked if it was her appetizer LOL The service was even worse, couldn't get a glass for water and when he did bring a glass it was grossly dirty. Like old lipstick stuck to it.  I hear it's better if you're just going for drinks and music. 

Weight Loss

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