Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Internet Friends.

Never Not Hungry Top

This is Sara and Amanda, my internet friends. Sara lives in Houston and Amanda is in North Carolina and we decided we were ready to become in real life friends, so we planned a girls weekend in NC {cause Amanda is super pregnant and doesn't like to fly}. Actually I was planning to go run the Rock N Roll half there, but ya know I can't run anymore so I just went for fun. 

The problem with this plan is how do you explain your relationship to your friends, your parents, your grandmother?! Awkward. It was much easier to explain when we were going to run race, it gave it purpose, now we had to beat around the bush. 

So to make it less weird I inited other internet friends from around town to come and hang out with us. Makes total sense, right?!

Saturday Sara and I wanted to try out a local Crossfit, Amanda {who BTW lives in a small town that she has lived in her entire life which means she know everyone} gave me strict instructions - do not name drop so I don't have to explain who you are later.

So we hit up this Crossfit, in a basement, I'm trying to figure out how they do pull ups and stuff and we see the rig outside. I'd die if I had to wall ball or do bar work in the cold/wet/snow. Anyways so we get on the rower to warmup and the lady next to me starts asking me where I'm from, why I'm here, etc.

Next thing you know I have word vomit - I'm like 'oh I met this girl online and we wanted to meet in real life' then she gets quiet and I guess I sounded like this was some type of dating hookup site so I start telling her about my blog and it just spirals. OMG> I have to be supervised when I'm on pre workout y'all. Thankfully she didn't know Amanda!

We stayed at the cutes little hotel, it really felt like a bed and breakfast! Highly recommend if you're going to the Winston Salem area.

Oliver doesn't think it's weird when I go me internet friends anymore, hahaha. He just said if she turned out to be normal would she cook him dinner while he's in town for work. Always thinking of his dinner! 

I was appalled to learn that Amanda did not plan to take maternity photos and this is her last baby! I tried to guilt her, but no go, the best I could do was snap one myself. Isn't this bridge just gorgeous!!??

Sunday {Jen} who happens to live and teach in the area offered a private Hot Barre Class for a few of us! I've never done Barre much less hot Barre, let me tell you if was really hard! I'm like, swear I workout y'all, but you wouldn't know it cause all those tiny muscle were killing me. 

The Hot Yoga Therapy studio also has a really cool Salt Room which is cool air and himalayan salt, you stay in for 45 minutes and let it heal and rejuvenate you. 

They also have a float room, have you heard of this? You lay in this hot tub like thing and float for an hour in dead silence, she swears you won't drown and it's like a 3 hour massage, your muscles turn to jelly you are so relaxed. I'm totally finding one in Dallas to try!

My next trip will be in August to Madison, WI for the Crossfit games where I plan to meet more internet friends! 

Weight Loss

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