Monday, April 10, 2017

QALO silicone wedding rings review (sponsored)

As I've mentioned several times recently, Jerry and I are going to Vegas in November for a huge From Fat to Finish Line event. The Rock 'n' Roll Marathon series is happening the weekend of the 11th, and there are dozens of people from the FFTFL community going. It should be a really good time!

I've been thinking about signing up for the half-marathon. Since I haven't been training for anything, I could follow the training plan that I am writing for others, because it's written for beginners--it might be a good way to get me back into running without feeling too much pressure. Also, Jerry wants to do the race with me, so we can train together and make it fun!

Anyway, I noticed that there is a very fun event going on mid-race and it sounds perfect for Jerry and me: a "run through wedding" (or, in our case, a vow renewal). At around the three-mile mark, there is a ceremony we can participate in where lots of couples can get married or renew their wedding vows mid-race. Doesn't that sound like fun?!

This August will be our 14th wedding anniversary. I am still grateful every single day of my life that I married Jerry. He is my very best friend, the person who I trust most in the world, and we still have a fun connection like we did when we were dating. We've been together for literally half our lives now! (Next month will be 18 years since we started dating, can you believe it?)

August 16, 2003
I'm not sure if any of you noticed, but probably about a year ago, we stopped wearing our wedding rings. It wasn't out of spite or marriage problems; but, rather, because they were getting inconvenient. I had gotten my engagement and wedding rings soldered together, and they drove me crazy after that! I'm not sure why, but they felt 10 times heavier.

Also, I had gotten down to a low weight for me, and the rings were slipping off quite easily. As you know, my weight has never been very stable, so I didn't want to resize them if I was going to gain anything back. They're a little bulky, too, so they got caught on things sometimes.

I remember the day I stopped wearing them--I had been reaching across Eli for something when he leaned forward, and I somehow scratched his arm with my ring, making his arm bleed. Jerry and I then had a conversation about the rings, and we both agreed that it would be easier just not to wear them. (He had to take his off for work sometimes, as it was loose as well--he even lost it one time at a concert!)

It's been great not having to worry about the rings, but sometimes, I wish we wore them just as an outward symbol of our commitment (I'm proud to be married to him). So, when QALO reached out to me, I was intrigued! I had heard of silicone rings before, but the timing for this was perfect - we need rings for our vow renewal in November, and since these rings are marketed as "the functional wedding ring", they seemed perfect for our "run through wedding" vow renewal.

QALO stands for Quality, Athletics, Love, and Outdoors. QALO wedding rings are made of quality silicone, and they are great for people who are athletic and/or outdoorsy. (QALO was actually founded by two friends who were each newly married, but hated their wedding rings--so they figured out a replacement for the metal rings.)

I wanted a slim, rather plain band to wear, and I ended up choosing a few of QALO's new Stackables.

The Stackables come in five colors and four styles, so you can mix and match them, as you like. I liked the slim width of the Stackables bands, even if I only choose to wear one at a time (just my personal preference). I chose to get black for all three, which may seem an odd choice for a wedding band, but it fits my personality and style choices. Jerry also chose a black band, so now we can be an annoyingly cute matchy-matchy couple ;)

As far as my thoughts on the rings themselves: They're very comfortable! I'm not much of a jewelry person (seriously, go through my photos and you will very rarely see me wearing much jewelry); but these rings are "functional", as described.

They don't slip off my finger, and they don't hurt my finger when I grip something in my hand. I don't have to take them off when I do the dishes, and I can wear gloves without anything poking through. I can wear them in the pool, which is nice - I was always worried about my wedding rings slipping off and falling to the bottom of the pool at the rec center. They're great for Jerry's and my lifestyle. And they fit our personalities much better than gold and diamonds.

Anyway, Jerry and I are very happy with the rings, and we're psyched to renew our vows in Vegas!

QALO is kindly giving away a prize pack to a randomly selected commenter on this post. If you'd like to enter, you can do so by simply answering this question: How do you feel about an alternative to the traditional gold or platinum and diamond wedding rings? Leave me a comment for a chance to win!

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