Thursday, July 20, 2017

Oh, the Food!

I am really hopeful that this time is the last time I have to lose this weight. I very much want to succeed at this once and for all, even though I know maintenance is the next phase in this journey... a phase that never ends. So far I feel good, I am tracking my calories and biking every day. All I need to do is continue. Sounds pretty simple, but I know there will be hurdles along the way. 

Today I enjoyed
Breakfast: Egg beater omelet with bacon, spinach, avocado, and olives and iced coffee with sugar free syrup and half and half
Snack: protein shake
Lunch: light string cheese, ham, and a peach
Snack: Moon Cheese, pretty good stuff and no carbs in most flavors!! Was out and about and grabbed this on the go. Crunchy and yummy.
Dinner: the last of the calabacita (beef, tomatoes, onions, summer squash, and corn) with a bit of sour cream
Snack: chocolate protein bar

So this was a more processed day because I was busy. I have had a lot going on the last few days. Another day this week:

Breakfast: protein shake, coffee with cream
Lunch at a restaurant: grilled chicken breast over a Romaine salad with Parmesan, bacon, and Caesar dressing. Side cup of chicken enchilada soup. Plain iced tea with lemon.
Snack: sugar free pudding
Dinner (potluck): shredded pork, one deviled egg, spinach salad with berries and red onions in vinaigrette, cabbage slaw in a not-creamy dressing, pickles, asparagus, watermelon, and a Clementine.

Even on days that I am eating out, I am estimating my portions and tracking everything. I stay as low carb as I can while still enjoying every bite!

Tomorrow I only have one appointment so will be preparing all my meals at home, including chicken breasts, salad, and sauteed vegetables. Some cucumber slices with hummus will also be on the menu.

Can I just say that I really enjoy cheese, bacon, avocado and chocolate? I am never going to eliminate those foods completely. I am going to fit them in and lose weight while I eat them. Of these, the most problematic is cheese because I could eat it all day! It's too high in fat (even lower fat versions), sodium, and calories, So I do limit it and watch for weight loss stalls when I am eating it too often. But don't hate on my bacon, avocado, chocolate and cheese! You can hate on my Doritos, but not my fab four.

Hoping the scale continues the trend downward at my weigh in this weekend. I am not feeling restricted or deprived AT ALL and think this has been pretty fun so far! I will enjoy the easier times while I can.

Weight Loss

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